Last updated: 5 Jul 2019 | 8367 Views |
Image collections of educational support and encouragement in domestic and abroad by Samphran Farm for many institutes, both public and private sectors, in 2009. Our policies are to promote practical and theoretical knowledge for those who are interested in the fields operated by Samphran Farm; for example, water treatment systems, energy and environment conservation, the utility of waste from the farm, including the importance of not torturing the animal
A site visit group from USAID (United State Agency International Development)
A site visit group from the Department Of Environmental Quality, Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment
A site visit group from the Department Of Environmental Quality, Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment
A site visit group from the Faculty of Business Administration (Accounting Program) of Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin.
If any institutes are interested to study or observe our farm, our slaughterhouse and cutting plant, we are happy to assist. You can contact Mr. Nattaporn Teeranuwat, Marketing Department, Tel: 034-321302 Extension Number: 107