Obtained honorable mention at SMEs Best Brand Award 2007

Last updated: 5 Jul 2019  |  8977 Views  | 

Obtained honorable mention at SMEs Best Brand Award 2007


    As aware of the importance in promoting SMEs Entrepreneurs in Thailand to be outstanding in terms of trademark development to gain the competitive advantages against the global market, Thailand Management Association (TMA) collaborated with the Office of SMEs Promotion (OSMEP) to initiate the program “SMEs Best Brand Awards” for the first time in Thailand in order to establish the standard level of Thai SMEs. It was aimed to raise awareness and attentiveness for promoting and developing the quality of enterprises in Thailand. Also, it was expected to deliver pride and support to the awarded SMEs entrepreneurs as the role model for other entrepreneurs to initiate their creativity in operating the business for themselves and for the business opportunities domestically and abroad.

The participants are running business in 3 main industries which are

  1. Light Industry which are clothes, decorations made of natural materials, leather goods, plastic packaging, and paper products made of natural materials
  2. Natural Resources industry which are ceramic, pottery, rubber goods made of rubber trees, medications and herbs, food, furniture, gift and souvenir, and home decorations.
  3. Services Industry which are tourism, hygienic service ( beauty clinic, dental clinic, optical clinic, exercise location, sanitarium for patients and elders, bio-organic consumption center) Thai massage and Spa.

    Nevertheless, the participating SMEs must be legal entities in the form of company limited registered at the Ministry of Commerce and have operated longer than 2 years. The business must be the production of processed or instant goods. The amount of investment must not exceed than 200 million Baht (permanent assets except properties).  The total number of employees must not exceed than 200. The company must not violate any law of Thailand and not involved in any prosecution process. The business must not affect the environment. More than 51 % of the shareholders must be Thai people. There must be at least one Thai executive in the organization. More importantly, the company must posses its own trademark.

The list of awarded enterprises in SMEs Best Brand Awards 2007
Classified accordingly with the group of industry as follows:

1. Light Industry: The awarded enterprises were
    Gold Award: Zemat Corporation Co,. Ltd. 
    Enterprises that obtained the certificate were
           - Dream House Production Ltd., Part.
           - Frameless Corporation Co., Ltd.
           - Rely (Thailand) Co., Ltd.  
2. Natural Resources Industry: The awarded enterprises were
    Gold Award: Sataporn Marketing Co., Ltd.
    Silver Award: Bond Innoventure Co., Ltd.
    Bronze Award: Lamoon International Co., Ltd.
    Enterprises that obtained the certificate were
           - Kingstar Furniture Co., Ltd.
           - Quality Meet Co., Ltd.
           - Jua Inter Marketing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
           - Nangfa Fantasy Group Co., Ltd.
           - First Organic Co., Ltd.
           - Samphran Farm Co., Ltd
           - Deesawat Industries Co., Ltd.
3. Services Industry: The awarded enterprises were
    Gold Award: Black Canyon (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
    Silver Award: Destiny Enterprise Co., Ltd.
    Bronze Award: Chalachol Co., Ltd
    Enterprises that obtained the certificate were
           - Srimahachota Engineering Co., Ltd.
           - Smart Brain Co., Ltd.
           - Noom Sao Tours Co., Ltd.
           - Indara Spa Co., Ltd.

(Note) There were 118 entrepreneurs who participated the program “SMEs Best Brand Awards 2007”. 86 enterprises passed the fundamental selection and only 21 enterprises were nominated for the awards.

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