Image collections of Natural Meat Grand Opening

Last updated: 5 Jul 2019  |  9977 Views  | 

Image collections of Natural Meat Grand Opening

Jintana Indramongkol, the expert and the director of Organic Livestock Center, spoke with the mass media within the Natural Meat Market Program, on 16th October 2018, at Central Food Hall and Top Supermarket.
The Department of Livestock Development collaborated with Central Food Retial Co., Ltd. and Samphran Farm Co., Ltd. in developing and lifting Thai meat standard to initiate the Natural Meat program at Central Food Hall and Top Supermarket.
On 16th October 2018, Jintana Indramongkol, the expert and the director of Organic Livestock Center of the Department of Livestock Development was the representative to speak with the mass media about the objective to develop and promote the standard level of meat quality to ensure consumers’ safety and to distribute knowledge to pig farmers in order to produce naturally quality pork by developing the domestication system accordingly with the natural behavior of animals. The swines deserve pond or mud to deal with the heat. It should be fed with herbal food which is useful and necessary in enhancing animals’ immune system; for example, Kariyat and Turmeric. Also, the use of antibiotics must be prohibited in order to fulfill the desire of customers who concern about health. At early stages, the market is expected to expand for 15- 30% As the annual sales of pork products is up to 50% of all meats.
Central Food Retail Co., Ltd. has an intention to offer “go green and organic products”. Thus, it initiated by establishing the brand of meat products which can be produced domestically under natural system. It was nominated as “Natural Meat”. The first product is “Natural Pork”. The fundamental standard was established as follows: 1) Free-range production system 2) The availability of pond for the swines 3) Raising  the swines with herbal animal feed 4) The prohibition of antibiotics, beta-agonist, and hormones. The management plays an important role throughout the production and distribution cycle. It is considered the development of general production of swine to be eco-friendly production system. We expect to attract the customers, in the new era, who concern about health, environment, and animal welfare.
The firm has collaborated with Organic Livestock Center of the Department of Livestock Development in pioneering the domestication of swines naturally, since 2004, in order to develop and adjust the general domestication system into organic livestock system. Living naturally, the pig shall grow up strongly and healthily with its natural behaviors. These are conducted accordingly with the policies to produce meat safely and the aim to develop organic livestock production system of the Department of Livestock Development.

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